Zlatko Fišer
Radovi: 1. Bilo kakav pokušaj Resuscitacije od strane svedoka je bolji nego nikakav pokušaj Resuscitacija – urbani mit, zabluda ili dokazana istina? 2. Povratak spontane cirkulacije kod pacijenata srčanog zastoja kardiološke etiologije u populaciji odraslih u Srbiji 3. Pedijatrijski vanbolnički srčani zastoj - EuReCa_Srbija Pediatric out-of-hospital cardiac arrest - EuReCa_Serbia 4. EURECA SRBIJA 2015-2016. - dvogodišnja analiza 5. Kursevi Evropskog resuscitacionog saveta u Srbiji 2016. godine 6. Analiza implementiranosti preporuka 2015 7. Lanac prevencije i njegova implementarnost u republici srbiji 8. EURECA 2015-Srbija 9. Preporuke 2015 - Međunarodni naučni konsenzus o kardiopulmonalnoj reanimaciji 10. EURECA Srbija One 2014. - Kardiopulmonalna resuscitacija od strane svedoka 11. EURECA One 2014- jednomesečno prikupljanje podataka na teritoriji opštine Subotica Journal resuscitatio Balcanica 2015; I: 13-16 12. EURECA Srbija One 2014 – Vanbolnički srčani zastoj – mesto događaja Journal resuscitatio Balcanica 2015; I: 9-12 13. Program praćenja pojave srčanog zastoja EURECA ONE - Srbija 2014 Journal resuscitatio Balcanica 2015; I: 5-8
Dr. Zlatko Fišer is a doctor of medicine, specialist in emergency medicine. He spent a large part of his career working in
the Resuscitation Council of Serbia, which became almost a basic affiliation by implementing the standards for the care
of critically ill persons through the organization of educational seminars and conduction of educational courses in field
of resuscitation. During his work he organized a large number of research programs and projects. The results of these
programs are published in domestic and international journals, mostly in Journal Resuscitatio Balcanica. The papers are
visible on Sci Index, COBISS, MedLine, and also, citations are available at Google Scholar.